Pinellas-Pasco Heart Gallery logo, "A Program of Gulf Coast JFCS"


Age: 16 years old

Brooklyn likes to paint, draw, listen to music, watch funny videos on YouTube, you know… Normal kid stuff!

In fact, if a family has younger children in the home, that would be just fine with her as she has a lot of love to share. Pets would be cool too, but she can’t decide if a fish would be better than a rabbit! Or maybe a guinea pig?

Brooklyn thrives best when she has ample attention and assistance from caring adults who can provide unconditional love and access to services that are helping her meet her needs. Brooklyn loves school and makes friends easily – she is always helping her classmates and showing great concern for the welfare of others.

Brooklyn hopes for a forever family to adopt her as soon as possible because the future is bright for her, but it will be a lot brighter when she is adopted by her forever family. She hopes for mom and a dad who are nice and kind, she would love to have younger siblings to play with, and overall a family that loves to be together and travel.