Pinellas-Pasco Heart Gallery logo, "A Program of Gulf Coast JFCS"


After experiencing infertility, Janie and Noah looked to their faith to guide them in their next steps. They looked into fostering, but agreed they needed something more permanent and began to pursue adoption.

Janie found the Heart Gallery of Pinellas and Pasco’s website and, though she was heartbroken to see all of the children in need of a loving home and family, she was drawn to a child named Edwin. After Janie and Noah submitted an inquiry form online, they started the process leading them to meet Edwin. Through routine visits, Janie, Noah and Edwin got to know each other and develop a sense of before they legally became a family.

From the words of Edwin’s mom, Janie, “Edwin is growing into such an amazing man – he attends his faith institution of choice, he enjoys school, and has a drive to be the best version of himself. Of course, it has been an adjustment having a teenager in our home, but our dynamic works beautifully. We would never take any of it back. Thank you to the Heart Gallery of Pinellas and Pasco for being the resource that introduced us to our amazing son.”


Photos courtesy of Skip Milos

Pinellas-Pasco Heart Gallery logo, "A Program of Gulf Coast JFCS"
