Individual & Family Sponsorship for FACES of Inspiration 2022

Make a difference to Gulf Coast JFCS and Florida families by sponsoring the 2022 FACES gala as an individual or as a family. 

You may contribute and pay online using the form below or by phone to Sue Farley at 727-418-2787. After receipt of your donation, a member of our Marketing Department will be in touch regarding ad opportunities in our event program.

Individual Sponsorship Levels:

  • Tree of Life Circle Member (Includes 2 Tickets): $1,000
  • Silver Co-Host (Includes 4 Tickets): $1,500
  • Ambassador Cabinet/Gold Co-Host (Includes 8 Tickets – Full Table): $2,500
  • Advocate: $5,000
  • Hero $10,000
  • Champion: $25,000
Select Payment Method
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Credit Card Info

<strong>Notice:</strong> Credit Card fields are disabled because your site is not running securely over HTTPS.

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Donation Total: $1,000.00 One Time